RRSQ Association Board Meeting
Thursday, February 15, 2024
8:30 AM – Courtyard Marriott Hotel Conference Room, 175 Railroad St. (in person meeting)
Attendees: Mike Montague, Dee Richardson, Marianne Neufeld, Rafael Rivero, Curt Nichols,
Paul Quattrocchi, Danielle Nelson, Pauline Block, Theresa Tommasi, Tom Buckley, Noelle Hermann, Kris Wilson
Absent: Florine Ellingson
Guests: Jill Scott (City of SR Economic Development), Geoffrey Smith (Bike Partners), Julia Fischer (Shangri La Lane Boutique) , A.J. Trombetta (property owner), Katieanne Robidou (Courtyard Marriott), Gunnar Vega (ArchiLogix), Nicki Upton (Goblin Bros. Games & Gear), Amanda Janik, Jill Moyer
1. CALL TO ORDER, INTRODUCTIONS & APPROVAL OF JANUARY MINUTES: President Mike Montague called the meeting to order at 8:40 AM. Motion to approve January minutes was made by Dee Richardson and seconded by Pauline Block.
2. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limited to 2 minutes each) Geoffrey Smith, the 14-year business owner of Bike Partners, shared that because of the impact on his business due to issues with transients he has had to change his business model to appointments only. He also voiced the need for more communication with business owners.
3. CONSENT ITEMS: No consent items
4. PRESIDENT’S REPORT– Mike Montague
4.1 Introduction of /Board approval of new Executive Director: Mike introduced Amanda Janik and asked for Board approval of her appointment as the new Executive Director, taking over for Kris. The board unanimously approved. Kris will begin mentoring/training on March 1st to ensure a great transition for Amanda. Kris will be leaving on May 1, and promises to stay involved with the Association and assist when needed.
4.2 TIV Marketing – website/marketing proposal
The board reviewed TIV’s proposal and strategy for increased web/social presence this year. Pauline shared that we need a strong media presence to make spending the money worthwhile. Monthly reports show us from the “back end” what the responses are and where they are coming from. We will continue to work with TIV and staying within our planned budget for this year. Kris can share the monthly reports with anyone who would like to see it.
Kris let us know that the Facebook page has been hacked and she is working on getting it resolved. Kris is working with TIV to possibly build a photo gallery on the website in the meantime.
Tom Buckley requested reports on website/social media traffic for the hotels. Kris suggested we invite Eric to the next mixer to help keep merchants informed of our web activity. Jill Scott, City of SR EDD, shared that that there’s a variety of city campaigning happening and suggested we find ways to tie these efforts together. There are opportunities to cross market and we will look for ways for our groups to better collaborate and communicate. Kris will add Jill to RRSQ meeting notices & communications.
5.1 District Updates: The 2023 CBD report has been completed and sent to the City. Pauline suggested sending it to the City Manager and council members as well.
Updates to the contact list of property owners, business owners and affiliates is ongoing with added new businesses and contact changes.
Kris is working on an onboarding/training for Amanda and updating the office space agreement with the Visitors Center/Chamber of Commerce.
The March/April newsletter is being completed.
6. FINANCIAL REPORT – Marianne Neufeld, treasurer
6.1 Budget reviewed. Discussion of costs or approaches for graffiti removal. There is budget to reimburse property owners for some of the costs of graffiti removal materials. Further discussion pending with Bright View who may be able to provide us with products needed for all surfaces. Dee said it would be ideal if property owners had their own building paint colors on hand to paint over graffiti. Danielle shared that we should look for opportunities such as working with the Restorative Justice recovery program where juveniles could help with graffiti removal to offset costs in lieu of going to Juvenile Hall. Rafael will bring back information about the City’s graffiti program and if there are available funds. It was noted of the importance of reporting incidents to the mysantarosa.com hotline.
7.1 Tree Removal/replacement – Mike/Curt
The phased plan is to remove the pear trees, replace with 15-gallon trees and address the empty tree wells. Curt is in contact with Gabe regarding our encroachment permit requirements. We will be using Brite View’s contractor’s insurance and are waiting for Brite View to schedule Phase 1.
7.2 4th Street Lighting project – Rafael/Curt
We are moving ahead and excited that we have cleared structural issues and are waiting for the final OK from the city. Curt acknowledged the valuable support Gabe Osborn has provided in working with us through this process.
7.3 Business Development Initiative – Pauline
Materials are being prepared to print Santa Rosa Now. Princess Boutique has vacated their space which has great potential for the district. We need consolidation to get the word out about vacancies at the mall and RRSQ with contact information. It was noted that The Olive and Rose’s lease expires in May. Paul and Jim said that it might be a great opportunity for shops in Healdsburg or Montgomery Village to add a second shop. Pauline and Danielle want to have a template for vacancies.
7.4 Security; Tom Buckley met with Officer Tim Barrett and discussed the success being seen with the use security cameras. Mike asked to set another meeting with Sgt. Barrett to discuss ways to increase communication between the hotels and SRPD. Danielle reported that the plaza uses “real time” cameras with good results. A.J. Trombetta worked as a police officer for 20 years and offered to assist as a liaison for increased communication and partnering efforts with the SRPD.
7.5 Events – Dee/Kris
Upcoming events include: The Classic Car Show Sunday, April 21. Danielle offered assistance with any parking needs. Noelle is making plans for a Spring Merchant Mixer – details to follow.
8. Other Discussion/Updates
8.1 Wayfinding signage – Noelle
The final updated sign ordinance from the City is pending and we are waiting to learn if or how our current signage may be impacted. There may be revisions to our existing signs to create a larger district identity on the existing poles.
8.2 Rafael reported that Cal Ed conference is happening in Santa Rosa on April 10-12 and will be touring downtown Santa Rosa and Railroad Square. Discussion followed regarding a clean-up day in RRSQ and enlisting the Gospel Mission to assist. Kris is working on a regular schedule for the Gospel Mission to assist in keeping our district clear of trash and general cleanup. It was noted that a few of the new planters need a refresh as well as the banners.
9. ADJOURNMENT: President Mike adjourned the meeting at 10:24 AM