RRSQ Association Board Meeting
Thursday, June 15, 2023
8:30 AM Courtyard Marriott Hotel Conference Room: 175 Railroad St. (In Person Meeting)
Attendees: Mike Montague, Paul Quattrocchi, Pauline Block, Noelle Hermann, Jim McCalligan, Rafael Rivero, Marianne Neufeld, Curt Nichols, Theresa Tommasi, Dee Richardson (by telephone)
Absent: Florine Ellingson, Dayna Irvine, Hardeep Gil, Kris Wilson
Guests: Spring Maxfield, A.J. Trombetta, Jeffrey Smith, Lee Wright, Jill Moyer
1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL – President, Mike Montague called the meeting to order at 8:30 AM. Motion to approve May’s minutes was made by Paul which was seconded by Marianne and approved.
2. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS – (limited to 2 minutes each) Spring Maxfield wants to create a community benefit district for the SOFA district. Rafael invited her to our meeting to learn about how our district operates.
4. PRESIDENT’S REPORT– Mike Montague
4.1 District Updates/Security
Paul Quattrocchi reported increase in loitering and graffiti on Wilson Street. There is a committee to manage loitering downtown including Caritas, Burbank Housing and St. Vincent’s. Code enforcement reviews permits every 12 months. It’s important to keep taking photos and report any issues – the more reported complaints, the better. People do not feel safe coming to downtown.
There is an important item on City Council’s agenda for June 12th at 4pm regarding budget for additional enforcement officers for the downtown core. Public comments carry more weight than letter writing. There will be a critical vote to amend the budget for officers for the Downtown Enforcement Team. Kris will email a link with information and talking points for the meeting.
Mike Montague suggested we look at Hugh Futrell’s handout regarding the future of St. Vincent’s. Mike offered the proposal to lease the property for one year and then find a buyer. He suggested asking Kris to reach out to Smart for possible interest in purchasing the property. Some ideas for its use: catering company, small market and deli. Rafael Rivero suggested the notion of a “food incubator” where different companies could provide food in a permitted kitchen. Jim McCalligan suggested having Hugh Futrell look at the numbers to assess what could be feasible.
4.2 Website SEO update – The website is doing well. In the next couple of months, we’re looking to have the calendar more active.
5. ED REPORT – Kris Wilson (not in attendance)
5.1 July Board Retreat – Kris Wilson has a couple of leads regarding the location for the July board retreat. Mike stated that the board retreat is very important. He wants more discussion to simplify goals.
Mike wants to retire soon, and Kris plans to step down early next year. We’ll need to look for a replacement for her position. This person needs to work with the city, merchants, and board committees.
5.2 Marketing Update/Social Media – Pauline Block and Kris Wilson meet monthly.
5.3 Summer “Music in the Air” – Mike said that this is getting good traction. There will be a small band on Sundays in Depot Park, and one or two musicians at lunch and dinner different days. Smart has an evening train, so Pauline wants to coordinate with them to get passengers up here to visit.
6. FINANCIAL REPORT – MarianneNeufeld says everything is going as planned. When we see June’s accounting, we may want to reallocate money for street services. Also, the website is costing more.
7.1 Wayfinding Pedestrian Signage Celebration/Merchant Mixer – Noelle Herman
The date for the Wayfinding Pedestrian Signage Celebration/Merchant Mixer is Tuesday, July
11 from 5:00 – 7:00 PM. It will be held in the Hotel La Rose event space with a summertime-American
theme, with hot dogs, beer, wine, ice cream. Paul Quattrocchi has offered to donate tables,
chairs, and linens. We need to reach out to be sure someone from the The Press Democrat is there.
7.2 4th Street Lighting Project – Last week Rafael Rivero met with the lighting
company, D.C. Electric, who installed San Rafael’s street lighting. Rafael is waiting for a bid and
then will compare the two companies’ bids. A good conversation with City staff should
7.3 Updated RRSQ Brochure – Dee Richardson, Lee Wright and Kris Wilson are
meeting with Naomi Catalina from Brand Flow Marketing who did the RRSQ website. The
brochure will be a smaller version of the website. The theme will be “Shop, Dine, Stay,
Experience Railroad Square” with a QR code showing details. The goal is to get people to stay
in RRSQ. The big challenge is getting photos that represent RRSQ well.
7.4 Landscaping/Contract Update – Paul Quattrocchi is looking into new planters to
line the streets that will replace the wine barrels and will be working with Marianne on this
7.5 Other Discussion/Updates – There was a meeting of RRSQ hotels on June 14.
Theresa Tommasi, General Manager of Courtyard Marriott, reported that the AC has a big
concern about the Inferno night club on Davis. The AC is losing money because of the
effects of the club after closing. There often are fights and patrons wander into the hotel
lobby. Police should be visible. Hotels will email each other with photos of anyone making a
disturbance. Photos will also be sent to Caritas; are any of these people Carita’s clients?
Mike said it’s time for a meeting and will get on this.
Mike brought up Prince Greenway. A committee will be meeting every two weeks with Parks
and Recreation, the Police Department, and the Hyatt to discuss ways to bring it back
because it’s a negative area right now. A volunteer cleans it up every day. Theresa will reach
out to Hyatt.
Rafael Rivero reported that the new Depot Park sign has been installed one and a half years
after first being planned.
8. ADJOURNMENT – Mike adjourned the meeting at 10:05 AM.