HISTORIC RAILROAD SQUARE ASSOCIATION                                     
Community Benefit District  

RRSQ Association Board Meeting                                                                                    

Thursday, March 17, 2022    

8:30 AM Courtyard Marriott Hybrid meeting per ZOOM DUE TO COVID

Attendees: Mike Montague, Dee Richardson, Dayna Irvine, Florine Ellingson, Noelle Hermann, Rafael Rivero, Theresa, Tommasi, Marianne Neufeld, Curt Nichols (remotely), Kris Wilson

Absent: Jim McCalligan, Hugh Futrell, Paul Quattrocchi, Hardeep Gill

Guests: Sgt. Josh Ludtke; Mary Gwen Neisingh; Jill Moyer, Jared Sakren


1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL: President Mike Montague called the meeting to order at 8:35AM.

2. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS – (limited to 2 minutes each) None

3. CONSENT ITEMS – Motion to approve 2/17/2022 minutes was made by Marianne Neufeld which was seconded by Noelle Hermann and approved.

4. PRESIDENT’S REPORT– Mike Montague

4.1 District Updates – Mike announced the West End Neighborhood Annual meeting to be held at Chops this evening. 

4.2 Joint proposal to Downtown Sub-committee – Will be discussed at next meeting.

5. FINANCIAL REPORT – Marianne Neufeld, treasurer, reviewed financials. Marianne has met with an accountant regarding 2022 tax filings. 

6. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT– Kris Wilson – Kris announced a meeting on Thursday, 3/24 to discuss permanent parklet program being proposed by the City. A meeting was held with James Castro, City Parks superintendent to discuss replacing the damaged Depot Park sign and help with a “Spring Clean-up Day” to be held in April.

6.1 ED Activity update – Current projects include a website redesign, increased social media presence and implementing the “RRSQ Ambassador Team” of volunteers to assist with events and marketing. The April/May Newsletter is in the works. Upcoming events include a vintage car display on Sunday, May 1st and the Western Hotel Open House and tour on Sunday, May 22nd.  Kris also shared the Assistance league mural unveiling event on Wednesday, March 23rd.  


7.1 Security – Our guest, Sgt. Josh Ludtke supervises the downtown traffic division, planning for special events, safety and security, and unusual events (such as side shows). There is an increase in security and currently there are five officers, slated for six by July. He oversees the city-wide homeless response. Changes are being made to “back to basics” policing. One of the priorities is to be more visible – 2 times a week on foot plus bicycles in downtown and Railroad Square. His unit comes across those who need mental health help, and he hopes to expand the InResponse program to 24/7. Their phone number is (707) 575-HELP (4757). Sgt. Ludtke encouraged us to Email him if there are issues that need to be addressed. Jludtke@srcity.org (or his desk phone: 707-543-4108). For non-emergency issues: 707-528-5222. Theresa Tommasi asked about evening coverage and voiced concern for enforcement at night. Security is in RRSQ and downtown at least two days a week on foot from 8:00AM to 6:00 or 7:00PM. He is an advocate for security cameras as they are a big deterrent.  Mike suggested we create an information card with emergency and non-emergency phone numbers to provide to the merchants.  It was also noted that, if fencing has holes, it is the property owner’s responsibility to make needed repairs.

7.2 Wayfinding signs – Noelle Hermann – The program is looking good, and Kris is sending out a first announcement for the launching of the program to all merchants & property owners this week. Noelle thanked Dana for her assistance in creating a tracking system. There was discussion of signage payment options to offer such as direct deposit or Venmo. Noelle to contact Aaron/Signarama about adding a sign with “Your Business Here” to the sign poles as an advertising opportunity. Kris and Noelle requested assistance from the board in meeting with and selling the program to our merchants. Noelle suggested having an outdoor “launch” mixer get-together for our merchants and property owners as a “get to know your neighbors” and to introduce the Wayfinding program in late April or early May. Costs would come out of the Wayfinding budget, and Noelle will move ahead with planning. Both Chevy’s and the Courtyard Marriott offered to help host the event.

7.3 Tree Report – Jim McCalligan (absent) There was discussion for the committee to meet with Jared, Bright Tree Trimming, for a final walk-around. There are large trees that have yet to be addressed and additional trimming is needed on some trees. It was noted that what’s been done so far has made a huge difference.

7.4 Sidewalk Repair – Florine Ellingson – Florine and Jim walked the area to assess what needs to be addressed; where to grind, remove or enlarge existing tree wells. Curt shared those areas where there are street trees are worse and may need grinding; an example is in front of Chevy’s.

7.5 Project Review Committee – Curt Nichols: nothing new to report.

7.6 Lighting – Hardeep Gill (Absent) Rafael Rivero – In Depot Square, the large bulbs wrapped on the trees are being changed to smaller bulbs, which are on order. There will be no additional charges to replace the bulbs. The palm tree will be wrapped soon. A meeting between Hardeep and Jason, Krist Electrical is pending regarding a proposal for 4th Street lighting. Mike asked to explore the possibility of solar lighting. Rafael will follow up with Depot lighting to be sure those bulbs have been replaced.

7.7 Street Cleaning / Trash receptacles – Paul Quattrocchi (Absent) The trash receptacles need to be power washed during spring clean-up. A big problem is broken doors. Noelle will send a photo of a good example of a trash receptacle with magnetic doors. We hope to address painting the light poles within the next few months.

7.8 Street Banner update – Dee Richardson – Dee, Rafael, Kris and Paul evaluated condition of the existing street banner and reported that many need to be repaired, readjusted, or replaced. Dee will inquire about a longer lasting grade of banner material.  Rafael will help coordinate City staff to work with banner replacement company.


Guest, Jared Sakren announced that the 6th Street Playhouse is celebrating their 50th anniversary on July 23rd. More information to follow.

Next meeting is Thursday, April 21, 2022, at 8:30AM – Courtyard Marriott /PER ZOOM due to Covid requirements.

9. ADJOURNMENT: President Mike adjourned the meeting at 10:00 AM