RRSQ Association Board Meeting
Thursday, May 19, 2022
8:30 AM Courtyard Marriott Hybrid meeting – No ZOOM (no Internet)
Attendees: Mike Montague, Hardeep Gill, Hugh Futrell, Curt Nichols, Jim McCalligan, Marianne Neufeld, Paul Quattrocchi, Florine Ellingson, Noelle Hermann, Dee Richardson, Rafael Rivero, Dayna Irvine, Theresa Tomassi, Kris Wilson
Guests: Tanya Rainey, Jill Moyer (remote)
2. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS – (limited to 2 minutes each) None
3. CONSENT ITEMS – None.Approval of minutes by Marianne Neufeld and Hugh Futrell
4. PRESIDENT’S REPORT– Mike Montague
4.1 District Updates:
a. Guest: Tanya Rainey is the new Manager of the Visit Santa Rosa / Ca. Welcome Center located in the Depot. Tanya is in the process of hiring two part time staff and recruiting several volunteers to meet and greet visitors. There will be many changes to the operation of the Visitor Center, which be unveiled once the Center opens in June. The goal is to create “An Experience” for visitors. Tanya invited all to attend the first Mixer put on by the Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, May 26.
4.2 Grant Funding Ad Hoc Committee: Hugh: The Committee decided not to pursue the Floridian group proposal but rather to create a comprehensive plan for Depot Park, ADA, sidewalks, etc. Planning grants may be available and EFID could provide funds as well as Park fees and other planning grants. The City has been very successful securing planning grants. Next step is to meet with the new city manager. Suggested to meet with Jason Nutt/ City to explore partnering for upfront costs. Rafael may be able to assist in getting a meeting scheduled. Necessary steps would include: public outreach, conceptual plan and construction drawings. Hugh: we’re working to integrate with DAO – meeting is in the works.
5. FINANCIAL REPORT – Marianne Neufeld, treasurer
Tax returns must be filed. Discussion re: identifying event income/expenses on a separate line Item in marketing budget. 104.3
Kris continuing to contact Yoga Studio and K4W apartments re collection of past due payments.
6.1 ED Activity Update/Events: Kris continues to work on collecting past due assessment fees from those remaining unpaid from Yoga Studio and K4W apartments. Has communicated with most with some billing revisions from the City.
‘The Rolling out the Classics’ Antique Automobile Display event was a very successful May 1st event.
Spring/Summer KZST Coop ads, sponsored by businesses and the Association are attracting visitors to the district
The first Welcome Back Mixer was held at Chevy’s and entertained about 40 attendees who enthusiastically signed up for the new Wayfinding signs
Kris acknowledged all who came out to help with the Depot Park spring clean-up and the Mixer at Chevy’s. She commended James Castro, SR City Parks and his team for all their help.
Kris is moving into her new office space at the Depot this month!
6.2 Web site re-design has been submitted to TIV for incorporation. TIV will be submitting a bid for total and necessary rebuild of the ‘back house workings’ of the site.
7.1 Security – Mike
Vandalism and graffiti have increased throughout the district. Mike will check with Chris Keyes from the Mission and will report more next meeting. Chevy’s had some vandalism and graffiti as well as Whistlestop. Mike said it’s important that graffiti be cleaned up immediately and Curt may have a contact to remove etching. There was discussion about having the Association underwrite the repair of etched windows since there have been 8-10 instances of acid etching. Mike reviewed current security coverage. An agent walks and drives around the square 5 times a week throughout the nights on Wednesday through Sunday. Monday and Tuesday coverage drive-by only. We have security 365 days a week. Kris stated that we get reports each morning and reports through the night if something is happening. There is an uptick of vagrants sleeping, trash, and gates left open. When known, Kris sends out emails to the property or business owners. Tee Vax has 4 Ring cameras waiting to be installed. Cameras have the capability to view video events on cell phones, however video doesn’t help unless you are close to where an event is happening. It was noted that although we’re experiencing issues, there has been vast improvement over last few years, but we do need to stay vigilant. Kris will add Sgt. Josh Ludtke to the security report. There was a suggestion that business owners might install their own cameras as well.
Dayna reported that one of her staff was assaulted recently at Aroma’s. Nimble and Finn’s had a recent incident of a homeless woman but was led out without incident. It would be helpful if a photo can be taken to provide to the police.
7.2 Wayfinding Pedestrian Signage – Noelle Hermann
The Welcome Back Mixer and kickoff for the Wayfinding Sign debut was a great event. Thirty signs were reserved. The signs are $100 each per side for this first round. They will be increasing in cost in the future. Committee members will be meeting with all businesses. June 1 deadline for reserving $100 signs. Looking at late summer for installation. The Committee will discuss allowing for more than 3 signs if there are extra spaces, as well as possible consideration for businesses that might not be able to afford a sign. It was recommended that businesses in the neighborhood, but not in the assessment district footprint, be allowed to reserve signs at $250/side. Committee will also address proposals for comp signs for out of district entities.
Mike added that the signs will be coated for easy graffiti cleaning.
7.3 Tree Report – Jim McCalligan
Flo and Jim had a walkabout with Jared from Bright View, who will supervise and review any additional work to be done. Tree trimming on Fifth Street still needs to be done. Third Street requires extra permitting from the City and Kris will follow up with Jared regarding schedule for that work. Next steps: some tree stumps need to be ground down and then new trees will be planted. Jim will create a map and document with a plan to come up with a project cost and ask the contractors to break the costs down for concrete and stump removal. The sidewalk and tree projects will be combined as the scope of work impacts both.
7.4 Sidewalk Repair – Florine Ellingson/Jim McCalligan
Mike shared that the TeeVax trees are being ground down and parking lot is being re-paved, and he’ll let us know costs as an example of our larger project.
7.5 Project Review Committee – Curt Nichols: Nothing new to report.
7.6 Lighting – Hardeep Gill/Rafael Rivero
It was noted that Solar lighting is complicated and stringing lights will be a challenge. Installation and long-term maintenance could be difficult and LED’s should be considered as they last longer. Rafael will check on the old existing light strings in trees on Fourth Street that need to be removed. Hardeep will follow up with Jason. Kris to get a bid on cost of outlining the rooftops on 4th. Rafael will check on the status of the palm tree lighting in Depot Park which hasn’t been completed.
7.7 Street Cleaning / Trash receptacles – Paul Quattrocchi. No Report
7.8 Street Banner update – Dee Richardson: Meeting with banner guy postponed due to covid. Rafael will follow up with installer.
Dee reported that the “Faces of a Century” pop-up exhibit will be on display at Aroma Roaster’s for the next six months. The photos were taken in 2006 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the devastating 1906 earthquake and feature local friends, families, business associates and community members ages 1 year through 100 years. Thank you, Dayna for hosting this remarkable exhibit.
Rafael reminded all that he can assist in scheduling meetings with city officials.
Mike will set up meeting with InResponse Team and will include Dayna and Theresa.
9. ADJOURNMENT: President Mike adjourned the meeting at 9:45am. (Kris reflected that this meeting was the first time since the beginning of COVID that the entire Board of Directors had met in person together!)
Next meeting is Thursday, June 16,2022 at 8:30AM – Courtyard Marriott /PER ZOOM due to Covid restrictions.