RRSQ Association Board Meeting
Thursday, October 20, 2022
8:30 AM – In person: Courtyard Marriott Hotel, 175 Railroad Street
Attendees: Mike Montague, Dee Richardson, Dayna Irvine, Curt Nichols, Marianne Neufeld, Paul Quattrocchi, Florine Ellingson, Jim McCalligan, Rafael Rivero, Theresa Thomassi, Hugh Futrell, Noelle Hermann, Kris Wilson
Absent: Hardeep Gill
Guests: Kori Freeman, Tanya Rainey, Raisa De la Rosa, Jill Moyer
1. CALL TO ORDER & APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER MINUTES: President Mike Montague called the meeting to order at 8:35 AM. Curt made the motion to approve the minutes which was seconded by Florine.
2. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limited to 2 minutes each) Tanya Rainey, Manager of Visitors Center updated the board on new signage and lighting replacement at the Depot. New collateral marketing materials have been created and events are being planned. Visitor count has increased over the past few months with 2300 in September. Lucy and Woodstock are being refreshed. Tanya reported there has been delays in calls for In Response assistance and there continues to be issues with trash and human waste outside the Depot.
3. CONSENT ITEMS: No consent items.
4. GUEST SPEAKER: Raissa De la Rosa, joined the meeting as assistant city manager, Daryel Dunston was unable to attend as planned. Raissa discussed the Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District program which was developed to help areas with revitalization efforts and has taken some time to move forward. With the new City Manager and now, 2 Assistant City Managers, staffing is more stable which has given the ability to pursue the EIFD downtown & RRSQ. The EIFD is a property-based increment that will require negotiation with the County on what projects would be included. A consultant is being selected to conduct a report to help understand the infrastructure finance plan and determine what the fiscal impact would be. The sooner the EIFD comes into place, the sooner funds can come into place. Tax increment funding is not a new tax, but rather monies collected as a result of new development and reallocated for special infrastructure projects. It’s key for property owners to understand that this is not an additional levy but is a re-allocation of the incremental tax change. Raissa pointed out the importance of support from the RRSQ Association when it comes time for negotiations with the County as significant dollars would be available for our district. Park development fees were also discussed as those fees can have a significant impact on the downtown core and it will be crucial for the Association to participate in a common plan, working with the Parks & Recreation Department.
5. PRESIDENT’S REPORT– Mike Montague
5.1 District Updates/Security. No new report.
5.2 2022 Project focus and 2023 Goals. We have funds to complete projects in the pipeline this year and to begin to identify 2023 goals. The tree trimming has made huge impact to the district. Mike asked for board input on next year’s goal setting for future discussion. Dee suggested a board retreat to be held in January.
6. FINANCIAL REPORT – Marianne Neufeld, treasurer: Marianne reviewed the budget and pointed out a penalty charge of $1900 from IRS due to a late tax return. Other larger bills included insurance and Depot Park tree lighting.
7. SECRETARY REPORT: Dee Richardson:
7.1 Nominating Committee: Meeting pending. There is one 2-year board position vacancy. (Hugh Futrell’s). Dee encouraged the board to think about possible candidates to join our board. The criteria to be a board member is ideally a property owner or merchant but could also be a community member who has demonstrated a strong interest and passion for Railroad Square. We maintain an odd number of board members for voting purposes. Board responsibilities were reviewed which includes attending meetings, being an ambassador for RRSQ and outreach with the City government. Increasing the Board by 2 more members could be considered.
8.1 ED Activity update: Kris announced that we will not be doing the holiday concert as discussed due to costs that would be incurred. SMART has offered space for a RRSQ ad that has been placed at the San Rafael SMART platform for the holidays.
8.2 Merchant Mixer & Holiday plans: The Fall Merchant Mixer is being hosted by the Association on Tuesday, November 8th from 5:30-7pm at the 6th Street Playhouse. Our holiday theme “Sparkle and Shine in Railroad Square” will be launched to encourage merchants to participate in the overall holiday spirit. Coop radio ads and other advertising opportunities are being planned.
9.1 Wayfinding Pedestrian Signage – Noelle Hermann: Noelle met with Aaron (Signarama) regarding installation and finalization of the poles. Plans are to have representation from the City on initial installation day as well as media coverage. A Press release is pending. Noelle will meet with Mike Montague and decide on media coverage.
9.2 Lighting – Rafael Rivero. Rafael shared the proposal for $25,000 to install lights across 4th Street. Mike suggested that lighting be done in phases. Phase 1: across 4th street. Phase 2: outline the rooftops, and phase: 3 beyond 4th Street, west of Wilson. The lights would be attached by wire to existing street poles; power is available on the poles. Mike asked for drawings showing parallel lights and one showing lights crisscrossed. There is money in the budget for the project and $30,000 was approved by the board. The hope is that Phase 1 can be completed for the holidays.
9.3 Tree/Sidewalk repair report – Jim McCalligan/ Florine Ellingson. Tree trimming has been completed. Sidewalks are bad and safety is a big issue. Florine and Noelle stated that the curbs at Chevy’s are very dangerous. It would take about $60,000-70,000 to repair them. Florine will make an appointment with someone at the city to come out and evaluate.
9.4 Project Review Committee – Curt Nichols: Clark’s Corner proposal to be reviewed.
9.5 Street Cleaning/Trash Receptacles- Paul Quattrocchi: Paul will be meeting with new Brightview staff to walk the area. Pressure washing costs $400.00 a year for 8 hours’ work, which due to the draught has not been done leaving us a $800 credit. Mike suggested that we use to credit our bill. Issues with overflowing trash receptacles was brought up and Rafael suggested reaching out to the Redwood Gospel Mission for volunteers to help address the issue.
9.6 Street Banner Update – Dee Richardson credited Paul with getting all the banners installed. Some adjustments to be made. Paul will complete this by mid-November.
10. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dee announced that the Faces of the Century will be coming down from Aroma Roaster’s at the end of October and she thanked Dayna for her generosity and hard work to help install the photos. Kris will reach out to James Castro, Parks and Rec, regarding the status of the new Depot Park signage.
11. ADJOURNMENT: President Mike adjourned the meeting at 10:35
Tues, November 8th: 5:30 – 7 PM Fall Merchant Mixer & Holiday theme launch
Next Meeting: Thursday, November 17, 2022 – 8:30 AM – Courtyard Marriott