RRSQ Association Board Meeting                                                                                    

Thursday, October 17, 2024

8:30 AM – Courtyard Marriott Hotel Conference Room: 175 Railroad St  



Mike Montague, president, called the meeting to order at 8:35 am

Board Members present: Noelle Hermann, Marianne Neufeld, Paul Quattrocchi, Jim McCalligan, Rafael Rivero,Theresa Tomassi, Dee Richardson, Mike Montague

Absent: Curt Nichols, Pauline Block, Danielle Nelson, Florine Ellingson, Tom Buckley

Guests: Lou Kirk, City of Santa Rosa, Ellen Bowen, Ann Galantine (both with Saturday Afternoon Club), AJ Trombetta, Gunnar Vega

2. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limited to 2 minutes each)

Ellen Bowen of the Saturday Afternoon Club (SAC) stated the club is passionate about the  RRSQ water tower. She met with a Cannery representative and learned that their estimate on restoration costs was @ $400,000. The best location for the Tower would be on Cornerstone property in alignment with the 4th Street view corridor. More to follow. 

3. CONSENT ITEMS: Minutes of Sept 2024 Board meeting were accepted. Motion: Dee Richardson; Second: Paul Quattrocchi

4. GUEST SPEAKER:  Lou Kirk, City of Santa Rosa, addressed Graffiti which continues to be a large issue since first impressions are critical. Graffiti should be removed within 3 days and is the responsibility of the property owner. It was suggested that the PO maintain a can of preferred paint on hand and not to use a non-matching cover-up which sends the same message as graffiti. The City is focusing more on graffiti abatement efforts and will explore using volunteers to help with painting if owner is not physically able to manage. Report all graffiti tags to MySantaRosa with an attached photograph to help in tracking the culprit. Lou was very responsive and encouraged communication. As a way to catch taggers he suggested individual cameras, especially if a business is frequently tagged. 

5. PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Mike Montague-

Mike announced the 2025 budget will be presented at the November Board meeting for a final vote in December.


6. ED REPORT – Amanda Janik

1. Website now includes a section on available buildings and business     opportunities for lease or for sale

2. Planning meeting for 2025 priorities to be held in January, date TBD

3. The December Board meeting will be moved back a week to Thurs. Dec. 12th Final budget will be presented for approval.

4. A new Bike Share program will feature rental bikes located around the Depot.

  7.  FINANCIAL REPORT: Marianne Neufeld 

1. Budget on track with sufficient funds available to cover first quarter 2025 expenses until assessment funds arrive.  

2. Major expenses coming up include: tree replacement and 4th Street lighting project. Additional planters will be postponed until 2025. 

3. Notices will be sent to PO’s re tree replacement timing.

4. Any sidewalk repairs are the responsibility of the property owner per City ordinance.  Noelle volunteered to look into funds from EFID.

5. The plan is to remove the trees first and then install the lights. 

6. Cost to install string lights is $47,222 and within the current budget

7. Motion to accept the proposal moved by Mike, seconded by Marianne.  Approved. There was a question about the intersections that were not included in the bid and Jim will check with Curt to clarify.


1.Capital Improvements: Special street lighting along 4th Street and Tree replacement – see above.

2.Security: Aj Trombetta for Tom Buckley: She stated that Tom continues to interact with the Inferno Nightclub.   

3. Marketing/Events: Amanda 

1. Festivities on Fourth–starting the Friday after Thanksgiving, is a marketing effort between the Plaza, Courthouse Square and RRSQ that will continue this year with increased marketing and cooperation between the districts. 

2. Halloween activities: Merchants are encouraged to hand out candy on Halloween Eve between 4-5 PM.

3. Light up a Life update: Dec 7 – 5-7 pm. This event is sponsored by Providence Memorial Hospital

4. Merchant Mixer scheduled for Wed November 13th in Marianne’s building.

5. Traditional free Horse and Carriage Rides start Friday after Thanksgiving and continue every weekend plus Christmas Eve day. Hours 11-3.  Volunteers (especially Board members!) are needed each weekend. Sign up to volunteer:   https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0B49AEA8229-52668770-holiday#/

6. Business Development Initiative   N/A                                    Pauline

  7. Planters: Marianne will check each planter, remove dead flowers and replace/refresh as needed. 

8. Way-finding: Noelle reported that the City needs more details on the sign pole anchor base because of concern about “wind load”…

9. Merchant Mixer- Wed. Nov. 13 on 3rd

10. Street Maintenance: Paul – Question about how the Mission is doing and future options

9. ADJOURNMENT: Mike adjourned the meeting at 9:50 am.

NEXT BOARD MEETING: 8:30 AM – Thursday, November 21, 2024 – COURTYARD Marriott