RRSQ Association Board Meeting                                                                                    

Thursday, September 19th, 2024

8:30 AM – Courtyard Marriott Hotel Conference Room: 175 Railroad St  



Paul Quattrocchi, vice president, called meeting to order at 8:38 am

Board Members Present: Tom Buckley, Florine Ellingson, Noelle Hermann, Danielle Nelson, Marianne Neufeld, Curt Nichols, Paul Quattrocchi, Rafael Rivera, Theresa Tommasi, Dee Richardson (participated by Zoom)

Absent: Mike Montague, Jim McCallihan, Pauline Block

Guests: Scott Adair (Chief Economic Development Officer, City of Santa Rosa), Ellen Bowen, Ann Galantine (both with Saturday Afternoon Club), AJ Trombetta, Gunnar Vega

2.     PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS (limited to 2 minutes each)

Ellen Bowen of the Saturday Afternoon Club (SAC), a women’s club started in 1894, stated the club has a passion for the RRSQ water tower. They are meeting with Michelle Gervaise of the John Stewart Co (Cannery Project) on Thurs, 9/26. The developer plans to remove and dispose of the tower. The club believes the tower is an iconic feature and important to preserve. SAC invites RRSQ board members to the Sat, Oct 5, 1:30 pm meeting with Brian Meuser the former chair of the Cultural Heritage Board at the SAC, 430 10th St, Santa Rosa. Please RSVP to Ann at longers4U@aol.com.

Scott Adair introduced himself as City of Santa Rosa’s new Chief Economic Development Officer. His focus will be implementing the city’s economic development plan, and he’s learning more about the city’s special districts, like RRSQ.  He has 6 years in economic development with Humboldt County and is knowledgeable about Enhanced Infrastructure Financing Districts (EIFD). He also has a background in commercial real estate.


         3.1 Meeting Minutes  

a.    August 2024 – Motion to approve August minutes was made by Paul Quattrocchi. Moved and seconded. All Approved.



5.1.  District updates N/A

6.     ED REPORT                                                                               Amanda Janik

         6.1   Updates

a. Showcase Sonoma County report – Amanda, Noelle and Ali Quattrocchi dressed as train conductors and staffed a booth highlighting all RRSQ business with a printed guide, coupons, and a web page promoting available property. They increased social media presence by having attendees play a spin the wheel game.

b. TIV social media update – Amanda will do social media going forward due to issues of redundancy and budget savings. RRSQ will continue to use TIV for website, Google driver and related online issues. Amanda will meet with Eric from TIV regarding contracts, comparisons, and exact cost savings.

c. 2025 Planning Meeting – The board was polled and voted to calendar a 2025 planning meeting separate from a regular board meeting.

7.     FINANCIAL REPORT:                                                              Marianne Neufeld 

  • Receiving $5,000 tax payment from the city
  • Expenses coming up:
    • Lighting?
    • Tree removal approved by the board should be happening soon.
    • Received ongoing maintenance invoice from Brightview covering services through Sept.
  • Seeking new Treasurer. Preferably a board member but could be a volunteer with board member oversight. 

8.     BOARD NOMINATING COMMITTEE: update                           Dee

  • Marianne will be staying on the board but relinquish role of treasurer.
  • Founding member Florine will step down. 
  • Nomination of A.J. Trombetta
  • Per bylaws, ½ of the board is up for re-election each year
  • Election of Board members will be voted on at the November meeting


9.1   Tree removal/replacement                                               Mike/Jim

Paul stated Mike will contact Curt and SaveaTree, and suggests the tree project be done before lighting project. Request that owners be notified when project is to start. Reserves should cover the tree project.

9.2   4th Street Lighting project                                                  Rafael/Curt 

Curt contacted Randy Vignola from DC Electric. Proposal is about $50k. Further confirmation is needed from Public Works (contact Rob Sprinkle) on power supply and if service is metered or flat rate. Paul asked about the possibility of a timer. Contractor will coordinate encroachment and any street closures. 

  1.   Window Display/Utility Boxes       N/A                          Dee/Paul/Pauline

9.4  Security                                                                               Tom

  • People sleeping in public spaces

Issues with sleeping on sidewalks and sleeping/camping under overpass and Prince Memorial Greenway. Danielle suggests contacting SRPD for policy or joint Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between RRSQ Association and PD following the June 2024 U.S. Supreme Court ruling on sleeping in public places. Danielle suggests meeting with Tom regarding Allied Universal Security (AUS) contracted services. Improved communication needed between AUS stakeholders, mall, PD, Catholic Charities so unhoused aren’t just being moved from one location to another. 

  • Illegal food vendors and trash outside El Infierno Cantina

Tom and AJ will follow-up with County Health and MySantaRosa reporting

  • Meeting 10/2 with SRPD at 6 pm, Boys and Girls Club, Sebastopol Rd., Roseland – will cover unlicensed vendors per Rafael.; next Santa Rosa City Public Safety Subcommittee 10/15, 9 am, City Hall

9.5  Marketing                                                                            Danielle

a. Festivities on Fourth 

The Downtown Action Organization (DAO) requests a unifying marketing effort between the Plaza, Courthouse Square and RRSQ with RRSQ as the nonprofit entity receiving sponsorship funds and paying out bills. For example, with Rose-E the Trolley, DAO got sponsorships, secured contracts, did paperwork, received sponsorship income, and paid out bills. 

  1. Proposed budget $7,000 no radio; $12,000 with radio
  2. Request: RRSQ would receive sponsorship funds and pay bills. Net zero costs very important. Sponsorship income not taxable to RRSQ. Any shortage of sponsorship funds would be split between the 3 entities, max $2,300 per entity. 
  3. Encompasses: pull banners, giveaway to go to all destinations (Santa, ice skating, carriage rides), rack cards, branding for all 3 entities, and a passport QR code to track engagement. If sponsorship funds are closer to low end, then digital marketing. They hope to cover radio with sponsorships, but the Plaza marketing director is working on a “reciprocal buy” wherein the radio station will get free (in-kind) advertising at the mall and Festivities on Fourth will get radio time. 
  4. One main title sponsor, ideally, so 3 entities’ logos can be prominently featured. 
  5. Pull banners – should be reusable for the following year so those will not include sponsors. Rafael checking on where banners can be placed and encroachment permit.
  6. Financial reporting – Noelle will contact Marianne

Longer term idea is that downtown have synergistic efforts that generate a combined pull and representation of the downtown area. Noelle asks if Chamber of Commerce could administer the funds. Danielle replies they couldn’t incorporate the trolly because that wasn’t part of their pre-existing programming as a pilot program.

9.6   Events                                                                             Noelle/Florine

a. Light up a Life update: Dec 7  

Florine is connecting to Light up a Life 

b. Festivities on Fourth  Nov 29 – Dec 24

Covered above by Danielle

c. Antique Fair: May 18

Will be held same day as Rose Parade. Per Danielle, could be a great way to leverage exposure through the Plaza, emphasized the importance of cross promotion and synergy. Amanda will connect Danielle and the fair organizer Mike (Batcave).

d. Holiday decoration – decorations can go up day after Thanksgiving. Danielle requests the quantity of poles. Amanda will ask for volunteers, but use a ladder required. Danielle will ask Rafael if city can put up striping when they do pull banners. 

9.7   Business Development Initiative   N/A                          Pauline

9.8   Planters  N/A                                                                             Marianne

9.9   Wayfinding                                                                          Noelle

a. Permit application submitted

b.  Awaiting Signarama quote for headers/signs; pending permit approval

9.10 Street Maintenance                                                            Paul 

a. Brightview contract clarification – no increase and will see if contract can be changed to start on Jan 1.

10. Action Items (pending)

10.1   Brightview contract approval: No increase per Paul. No vote needed.

11.   Other Discussion/Updates:

Rose-E the Trolley – unknown if the city will carry this forward going into a deficit. If the trolley is made permanent, it’s a co-marketing opportunity. Ideally future trolley route will not be in front of Caritas.

Rose Parade board needs volunteers per Danielle

12.   ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 10:10 am.